Saturday, September 20, 2014

Glitzy Purple

These days, I'm not that obsessed with nail polish anymore.  It probably took me two years to get over my obsession.  I used to paint my nails monthly, but now I wait for the polish to naturally fall off.  And yes, I may indulge in a little nail art, but at the moment I stick to just glitters.  
My obsession probably stopped this summer.  Because I worked in the hospital, and had to constantly wash my hands, my nails became super dry.  The situation became so horrible that my nails would breaking off in layers, leaving them to be brittle.  I knew nail polish would not help and acetone would only make everything worse, so I just had to patiently wait for them to grow out.  Basically, I waited the whole summer because even though my nails grew out, they would keep breaking off again, since I often washed them.  Now that summer is over, I got switched to a different section in the hospital, which still requires hand washing, but not as much, so my nails are healthy again.
Moral is I'm over painting intricate art on my nails every month.  I'm sticking to pre-packaged polishes or stickers.  Here's my latest color:

The colors are coming off much more dull in this picture either because of the quality or lighting.
I used Revlon Passion Fruit scented nail polish and Salley Hansen Xtreme Wear in Rockstar Pink.

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