Thursday, November 28, 2013

Be Grateful

Turkey, gravy, stuffing, and cranberry sauce!  So much delicious food to choose from!  Just don't forget to be grateful for everyone and everything you have.  Remember that some people out there may not be fortunate enough to celebrate Thanksgiving with a scrumptious meal. You're one of the lucky ones. Happy Thanksgiving!


Friday, November 8, 2013

Happy Rorschach Day

Happy Rorschach Day celebrating Hermann Rorschach for inventing the inkblot tests used in psychology!  I love looking at them and figuring out what they are.  There are no right or wrong answers, and it's cool to find out what other people's perspectives of the inkblots are. Here's some for you to ponder on.

What do you see?

I've realized most inkblots are symmetrical.  I wonder why.
I see two aliens reading with a nightlight between them.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Autumn Pictures

I just changed the layout of my blog to match the autumn sensations outside.  I love watching the leaves fade into yellow, orange, and red shades in the fall.  There was one tree that stood out to me especially because of its vivid red leaves I had not seen before.  It was so beautiful I decided to take a few pictures of it and just being in the mood, some more scenery.

This red is so captivating!
While I was at it I decided to take some more photos, so here's one of some wild berries. They looked delicious with their luring coats of shininess, but too bad they weren't edible.

I'm sensing red is the theme here.

I got a little creative with the leaves that fell and made a little ringlet of the prettiest ones I found. My favorite leaves would be the top 12 o'clock one because of its deep red tone and the bottom 6 o'clock one because of the lovely orange to yellow ombre.  

Each fall color is unique.

Day 8: The Final Grind Begins

Today honestly did not feel like a Friday because I didn't have cohort. In other exciting news, it was the last day of my Global Asia re...