Saturday, June 21, 2014

End of 9th Grade!

Wow! I cannot believe my freshman year is over.  With all  the exams I needed to constantly study for, it flew by fast.  This past week was filled with finals and weren't even full days.  My school's last day was yesterday, but many other public schools ended a few days earlier even though we had the same amount of snow days.  

At the end of each school year, I like to 'reminisce' the whole past year by bringing down binders of papers from the attic and sifting through the stuff I need to keep and don't.  It always brings up beautiful memories and breaks my heart each time to throw them out.  The moment was so tearful and I blasted on some Spotify to keep me going and got down to business. ***

All the stuff I deemed to be unworthy to keep.  Sorry guys.  I just did not have enough space to keep everything and you binders were all ratty.
Here is the stuff I did decide to keep and reuse.  Math and Spanish because next year's classes are going to build off of what I learned this year.
And my trusty old iPod to keep me company. <3
***I don't know if you could tell, but I was being sarcastic twice at the top.  I don't like doing so when I'm communicating through messages only because it cannot portray my emotions, so what I want to get across might get confused; but here I am clarifying it for you. :) 

Day 8: The Final Grind Begins

Today honestly did not feel like a Friday because I didn't have cohort. In other exciting news, it was the last day of my Global Asia re...