Friday, May 23, 2014

SAT II Biology Exams

It's coming soon! My SAT II Bio Exams are going to be on June 7th.  I have made myself a goal, and that is to do very well on this exam. Often times, I find myself procrastinating, but this time will be different.  I'm changing my ways!  To do so, I made a checklist to make sure I will be completing everything I need to before the exam.  That way I can make sure I'm putting in all the effort I can. 

In my opinion, checklists are the best; they keep me organized and remind me everything I still need to do without me trying to flip through my mind trying to remember.  That can take a whole lot of stress off me if I can have my handy-dandy planner to do all of the reminding.  

The checklist I made for my exam has three parts.  The first part is all the topics I need to cover. The second is practice quizzes and exams I want to do, and finally the last box will remind me what I need to do and bring the day before the exam.  So when I complete a task, I will put the date I finished it in the boxes on the right.  I actually started studying before I made this list, so there will be dates dating back to last week. I tried to make it as festive looking as possible, so I spruced it up a bit with some colored markers.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Post AP Exams Update

Hey guys!
I've been so busy with AP exams the past month that I just didn't have time to post!  This past week has been totally messy and stressful.  I had to take my first AP exams on top of schoolwork and clubs.  After, taking my very first one, I had a throbbing headache, a very unpleasant aftereffect. Well now that this week is over, we will just be doing projects in both of my AP classes.  Yay!  I will definitely be looking forward to that.  
I had a relatively stress-free weekend.  My first without doing any Social Studies homework, so I have a lot of time on my hands.  I went shopping with my mom for the first time since winter break.  I didn't really get anything except for a set of stackable rings.  I'm always having a new obsession with something; it used to be hair, and it still kind of is, but now it may be rings.

I'm wearing the one with the heart right now.
There are also ones with a bow, key, and flower.
Also during my stress-free weekend, I painted my nails.  I promised I would do so as treat for getting through my AP exams week. First, I painted one layer of Revlon's Scented Passion Fruit.  When that dried, I took Sally Hansen's Xtreme Wear in Rockstar Pink and painted an opaque stripe of glitter down the middle.  I topped it all off with a glossy top coat to give it some extra shine.

Day 8: The Final Grind Begins

Today honestly did not feel like a Friday because I didn't have cohort. In other exciting news, it was the last day of my Global Asia re...