Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ready for Summer Vacation

Soft sand spills through your toes as you wiggle them into the ground.  The ocean waves calmly lap at the shoreline sweeping its swimmers back and forth.  The seagulls chatter above excitedly over something delicious they've discovered for lunch.  Children run back and forth from the ocean to build their sandcastles with water and decorate them with seashells and pebbles.  You slowly tune off the background noise and lay back into your beach chair.  You let the sun's warm rays beam down to naturally tan your skin and relax because this is your summer vacation.  A cool breeze from the ocean perfectly complements the sunny day.  Maybe later, you will curl up with your favorite book or go cool off in the endless blue waves.
But wait. We're not there just yet.  Although this school year seemed to fly by fast, we still have at least another month until summer vacation, which is definitely something to look forward to.  And this coming month, we'll be pretty busy, if our schedules are not already overfilled with work.
First off, AP Exams begin in the first two weeks of May (starts next week).  Many of us are taking at least one and up to five.  It's time to buy those review books: Five Steps to a FiveBarron'sPrinceton Review, and so many more.  Maybe you would like to also purchase some flashcards.  But which one or combination will you commit to?  The options are already so overwhelming, let alone finishing the material.  And to add to the workload, teachers are preparing and testing us daily in class.  Not only do we have to practice with a lot of reviewing and physical preparation, we also need to face a mental element--the pressure of doing well.  All these factors added together creates a potent blend for stress.  I know, it'll pay off once we ace the exam, but living in the crunch time right now is extremely exhausting.
AP Exams is something huge to check off once we complete them, but even then, we have finals to look forward to.  Some of us may be taking the SATs, ACTs, or the SAT IIs.  As all this testing ends the year, it will feel like a weight has lifted once summer starts.  We may still have 8 more weeks of school, but we can still dream of our perfect vacation.

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