Thursday, March 17, 2016

Alternatives to Neflixing

  1. To watch an entire season of a show in one sitting
  2. A valid excuse for avoiding social obligations.
     Sentence: "I can't make it to the party this weekend.  I am Netflixing Friends."
Netflix, seems like the perfect way to spend your time when you have nothing else to do (or maybe a lot of work to complete).  It draws you in with its countless of TV shows to browse: action, romance, sci-fi, horror, documentaries, thrillers, dramas, classics, something for everybody.  Plus, no pesky advertisements.  How can you not turn that down?  Wait, not good enough?  Maybe you'll try these wonderful movies and TV shows Netflix has recommended for you because the company knows you so well from your previous selections. Netflix constantly adds new seasons from shows you love, and now that it is churning out it's own shows, how can you not stay plastered to the screen, watching episode after episode with 1o-second breaks in between?  
I admit, Netflix takes up more of my life than it should.  I've fallen into its dazzling trap. But surely, there are better things to do with my time than let Netflix guzzle it up.  The world has to have more to offer.  Since Netflix didn't always exist, believe it or not, people must have had something to do in their free time.
The Alternatives
If you don't know how to knit, now is the perfect time to learn.  All you need is some yarn and knitting needles, and you can knit your whole wardrobe.  The combinations of colors and patterns are endless.  Maybe start a club with your friends and a group knitting project.  It's a useful technique to learn and a great way to socialize with like-minded
2. Jogging
Netflixing is probably taking away time from exercising, which is essential for your health. But thankfully, jogging takes three simple steps.  Just turn off your computer, put on your sneakers, and go for a run in the fresh air.  (And, you also need a bit of motivation.)
3. Cloud Watching
Not only is it a great way to get in touch with nature, but it is also a wonderful way to discover more about yourself as you ponder on what the clouds look like to you.  Is it a rabbit?  No, it looks more like a hamster.  Join the Cloud Appreciation Society for updates on cloud-related news around the world.
Hopefully you will try one of these three suggestions out and find that you enjoy one more than netflixing.

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